For those of you that are interested in Kama Sutra, or want to learn more about it, I am giving away a copy of a fun little book called The Little Black Book of Kama Sutra: The Essential Guide to Getting it On!
It’s simple to be entered to win- head over to Facebook and “like” Sex and the Single Gal. Here’s a link in case you get lost. If you’re already a fan, your job is done and you have already been entered!
Giveaway ends September 12, 2011. That’s less than a week from today!
Between the readers’ questions I’ve been getting today and my own personal escapades over the weekend, I have come to the conclusion that very bad things can happen when your friend with benefits, fuck buddy, boyfriend, or husband has too much to drink in a night (or in my case, a day).
Let me fill you in. I’ve been friends with the guy I brought home on Saturday night for a few years. I hadn’t seen him in a while until out on the town a few weeks ago. He’d grown his hair out and I suddenly became attracted. Yea, sometimes girls are shallow and can play some “dick” moves too.
Anyway, apparently I had the same effect on him because he unhooked my bra in public (over the shirt, I bet him he couldn’t do it, my best friend lectured me about “not letting boys unhook our bras at the bar” as she had to help me hook it back up), and text me at 2 am a couple of nights later. Guys, we ladies aren’t dumb- we know what you’re after at 2 am.
He and I finally sealed the deal a month later, this last Saturday. We met again after his game (he’s on a college sports team) in the same bar. It’s tradition after the game for the guys to gather, drink, and act stupid while their girlfriends sit back, sip cocktails (beer, in my case), and watch. Kind of sexist, really, but I enjoy booze and watching hot men do stupid things, so I don’t ever complain.
Fast forward 6 hours.
The sex was hot. Not only can he unhook my 4 snap bra (my boobs are enormous) over the shirt, but he has just the right amount of rough. We both immediately fell asleep afterward.
Not too long after, homeboy sat straight up in bed, got up, and walked to the corner of my bedroom. He looked like he was about to pee in the corner when I yelled out “What the hell are you doing?”
Turning around and looking at me like I’m an idiot he replies “Peein’.”
I had to chase him around from room to room until I finally was able to catch him and steer him to the bathroom. (Where he then passed out and had to be woken up and herded back to bed.)
Yesterday, leave it to me, I began to look up what I now know is widely known as a “sleep pisser”. Easy enough to remember, right? Sleep pissing is apparently a big problem with many men, especially when they’re drunk. So, if you have a case of the “Mondays”, check out this video that turned Saturday’s situation into a comedy and had me laughing so hard I was crying. The entire video is funny, but the end (about 5:27 in) really relates.